Thanks for visiting to read our Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron review. We’ve got a whole load of products in the Irons category to compare against, but for now let’s take a look at what’s so good about Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron to make it worthy of an overall score of 8.9 out of 10.

To start with we’ll look at some of the key areas you’re interested in, from the quality of the product, to the price and then look at customer reviews to bring you a review score. This all then gets rounded up to give you an easy to digest overall score.

Once we’ve spent a bit of time looking at the Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron reviews, we’ll compare it against some of the other 65 products from the Irons category, as well as other products from the brand Breville.










Latest Price: £39.99

Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron review

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  • With outstanding performance, this Breville PressXpress 2600W is designed with you in mind, delivering fast results to give you more time to do the things you actually enjoy. The premium ceramic, extra-wide multi-directional soleplate glides supremely over fabrics in all directions to remove maximum creases with minimum effort. The powerful steam shot gets deep into fibres – powering through though creases. The Safe-Store heat indicator tells you when your iron is cool enough to put away. An easy-fill tank makes filling faster and spill-free, while the large capacity means less time spent refilling. The 3m power cord gives more flexibility and a wide heel design gives greater stability and neat cord storage. Steam output: 50g/min. Shot of steam: 170g/min. Ceramic ceramic soleplate with button groove. Capacity of water tank: 400ml. Water spray button. Anti-drip system to protect your clothes from water spillages. Anti-scale for hassle free maintenance. Self-clean function to prolong the life of your iron. Variable steam function allows you to adjust the humidity, direction and power of the steam flow. Vertical steam function allows you to use the iron to steam creases from hanging garments or curtains with ease. Features a steam tip for easier removal of creases from difficult to reach areas. Auto shut-off feature automatically turns off your iron when not in use or when knocked over. General information:Model number: VIN406. 2600 watts. Less than 30 seconds heating up time. Temperature ready indicator. Soft-grip handle. 3m power cord. Weight: 1.6kg. EAN: 5060569670569.
  • Product codes: 5060569670569 9308710

Whatever you buy, when it comes to buying online, there are a number of things that you should always consider. That pretty much goes for any product, but we want to highlight these as they are particularly important when it comes to shopping for products in the Irons category. Follow these tips and you’re sure to find the best product for your needs, whether that may be Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron or perhaps an alternative.

Price and budget

The actual price of the product that you choose is of course one of the most vital aspects of choosing the right product, we will go into that in more detail in just a moment.

For now I’d like to touch upon budgeting. Setting yourself a budget before getting too deeply involved in your shopping online is one of the best pieces of advice we can give. It’s very important to do this, because it’s all too easy to get carried away and choosing a product that offers those little extra features but spending a lot more than we could or should have spent.

Set yourself a budget and make sure you stick to it. We often recommend that when you’re using shops like to use their price filters so that you’re not tempted into spending more.

Price is then of course the second part of this tip, and the advice here is to take the time to really study the price of Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron against other products in the Irons category. To help you with that, we’ve run some analysis for you.

To start our price analysis we searched the web to look for the best prices for Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron, in our search the cheapest we found it was from where it was available for just £39.99. This is below average of all of the 65 products in the Irons category. The average of all products was actually £80.62. Whilst the most expensive product we were able to find in this category was £329.99 and the cheapest came in at just £8.99.

The next level of our price analysis was to look at the price you can expect to pay for products from the brand Breville. Which interestingly the average price was actually £34.20, and the lowest price was £14.99 with the highest being £65.00 of the 52 products they offer.

However that did highlight that if Breville were offering products in a variety of categories then that’s not a fair comparison to use the average prices for all their products. So we went a step further and looked at the average prices of Breville products but specifically in the Irons category, of which there were 4 products. Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron actually came in below average against the average, which was £39.99. Then to give you an idea of how much the prices vary for Breville products in the Irons category, they varied from £29.99 up to £49.99.
Review of Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron


Next up, Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron Reviews. Reviews are one of the most valuable pieces of research we can do if we’re planning to buy online. Reading reviews gives us a real insight into a product, from a genuine customer, which helps us to learn things about the product that we are otherwise unable to see for ourselves when shopping online.

So we really encourage you to spend a decent amount of times reading through the reviews of Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron to get a really good idea of how good the product is and how likely it is to meet your needs.


Quality is another important element when shopping for a new product, particularly if you’re looking for products like Irons. However it’s really worth setting your expectations and needs right up-front so that you’re not expecting the world’s best quality products from the cheapest products in the range.

To get a good idea of the quality of Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron, the reviews you read will be really important. There are of course other ways to get a good idea. For example you can look at the specifications and features section of the product description, which should give you an indication of the sort of quality you can expect from the product.


Another consideration under quality is the brand. Some brands are of course well known for delivering exceptional quality, and likewise some are known for poor quality. Stick to the brands that you know, such as Breville, which you know will deliver an excellent quality item.


All too often, we see incredible deals for products like Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron. And they seem to be so cheap that it’s almost too good to be true. In most cases these are from sellers that you and we have never heard of. Trust your instinct, when a deal seems too good to be true, and isn’t from a seller that you recognise, it probably is too good to be true.

Stick to sellers that you know and trust. Sellers like have built up their reputation for offering excellent service, returns, products and prices. You know you’re going to be getting a good deal from them.

Returns Policy

One of our final pieces of advice for your shopping is to check out the returns policy offered by the retailer, this can make quite a significant difference to your purchase decision, or at least who you buy from. Many retailers offer a really simple returns process which definitely helps give you that extra peace of mind.

If you do then find that Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron isn’t exactly as you thought it would be, you can easily return it.

The other element of the returns process that is worth reviewing is the warranty/guarantee offered by the retailer should your product develop a fault. Again it’s going to be worth you spending the time to look at any information you can find on the warranty or returns process so that you know that you’ve got the confidence that you aren’t going to be out of pocket if it’s faulty. Of course there are some statutory rights, so it may be that you’re covered already but again you’d need to look at this information as factor it into your purchase decision.

Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron Reviews

Hopefully the information and advice that we’ve given above really helps you when you are shopping for your Irons. Whether you choose to buy Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron or an alternative product, we’d really like to hear your thoughts. Drop us a review of the product you buy so that us and our customers, just like you, have more genuine customers reviews to help them in their shopping.


We’ve given Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron an overall score of 8.9 out of 10 because it’s clear that it offers an all-round fantastic package of quality, spec, good customer reviews at a great price from such a well known brand.

If Breville VIN406 Press Xpress Steam Iron sounds like it could be the product for you, head over to to read more reviews from customers, just press the ‘view reviews’ button now.